How to treat cavities with Inlay – Onlay?

An inlay (or onlay) is a ceramic inlay used to treat treatment of caries which fits into the tooth in the same way as 2 puzzle pieces fit together. This piece is made by our dental technician following a precision impression. This ceramic part is bonded to the tooth using a powerful bonding system that ensures an optimal seal. It lasts much longer than a filling or composite treatment. An inlay enables a tooth to be perfectly reconstituted in terms of both shape and color. It’s the ideal restoration for replacing fillings or composites under which decay has recurred as a result of leakage. Benefits :

    • The risk of bacteria infiltrating between the tooth and the restoration is reduced to a minimum. The risk of recurrence of decay is significantly reduced.
    • The tooth is kept alive
    • The tooth is strengthened by a bonded inlay/dent assembly
    • Tooth is less damaged than with a crown
    • Optimum mimicry of the natural tooth

Example of caries treatment using this technique at Dr Touati’s practice:



For more information, contact our dental office in Lyon!

Tel: 04 78 62 84 08
Address: 4, boulevard Eugène Deruelle – 69003 Lyon
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