How is a dental implant placed?
As a prelude to any surgical procedure, Studio Dentaire welcomes you for a complete oral health check-up. This is an opportunity for your practitioner to check that all the conditions are right for a successful dental implant operation. For example, if bone loss in the jaw makes it impossible to place an implant, your dentist may suggest a bone graft. You will then be able to benefit seamlessly from the placement ofdental implants. Once your dental surgeon has checked that you have no contraindications, he or she will schedule you for an appointment at the surgery. The procedure takes place under local anaesthetic, in conditions of perfect hygiene and asepsis. The procedure is as follows:
- the surgeon administers the anaesthetic, then gently incises the gum to prepare the area where the implant will be placed;
- He then places the titanium screw, before applying a light suture to ensure proper healing;
- Once the operation is over, your dentist may prescribe painkillers to prevent pain in the operated area;
- After a week, you return to the office for a follow-up visit, during which your practitioner removes the stitches;
- you benefit from several post-operative appointments in the months following implant placement;
- four to six months later, your dental surgeon can install a prosthesis on the implant (note that, in the meantime, you may be offered a temporary prosthesis).