To guarantee optimal long-term comfort, Le Studio Dentaire uses only titanium implants from ASTRA TECH, the world leader in titanium implants and at the forefront of medical research. Manufactured in Sweden, they come with a traceability sheet for their raw materials, for a real guarantee of quality.
Titanium is a biocompatible material, so it will integrate easily with the jawbone as it heals after surgery. This is called osseointegration, and takes from 3 to 6 months.
The actual placement of the implant takes place in our practice. It is performed under local anaesthetic by your implantologist and is completely painless. You will be prescribed medication before and after the session. The in-office procedure is far more advantageous than an outpatient procedure, as it avoids the swelling that is common under general anaesthesia and can be a source of discomfort.
After ten days or so, we’ll make a follow-up visit to check that healing has been activated, and we’ll take the opportunity to remove the stitches holding the implant in place.
Once healing is complete, we can schedule the placement of the abutment and a cosmetic ceramic crown.