Dental wear: what to do? All the advice from our dentists
Tooth enamel erosion can be caused by a variety of factors, with varying degrees of inconvenience. What symptoms should you look out for? How can you prevent the problem? What can you do about tooth wear? Rest assured, there are solutions, and Studio Dentaire presents them here.
Symptoms of dental erosion
This phenomenon generally manifests itself as increased sensitivity of the teeth, particularly to cold and heat. Enamel may also show abnormal discoloration or yellowing. Widespread pain and discomfort when chewing, or even a broken piece of tooth, are also signs to be taken seriously. Finally, in more advanced stages of enamel wear, cavities may appear.
The different types of tooth wear and their causes
One in three French people suffers from premature wear of tooth enamel. This can take four forms:
- abfraction, caused by misalignment of the upper and lower jaws (dental malocclusion);
- tooth abrasion, often caused by over-muscular brushing
- attrition, visible on the chewing surface and caused by bruxism or teeth grinding
- dental erosion, caused by the presence of acids in the mouth, itself linked to excessive consumption of coffee, tea or soft drinks, or to repeated vomiting (as part of an eating disorder)
Determining the cause of wear enables your dental surgeon to suggest the best solution for tooth erosion.
What can be done about worn teeth?
If you notice one or more symptoms of dental erosion, the first thing to do is consult a dentist. Only he or she can assess the extent of the problem and provide appropriate treatment. Rest assured: if caught in time, tooth wear can be reversed. Even if the enamel on worn teeth doesn’t grow back, modern dentistry has powerful means of stopping attacks and restoring the aesthetics of your teeth. It’s important to consult a dental hygienist in the event of tooth wear because, apart from the aesthetic aspect, untreated erosion can have consequences for your oral health, and even for your general condition in the case of periodontal disease.
Prevent tooth wear
To avoid enamel erosion, a few common-sense gestures can help: use a soft toothbrush and don’t scrub too vigorously;
limit the consumption of alcohol and acidic drinks;
consult a dentist in the event of bruxism.
Solutions for tooth wear: Studio Dentaire coverage
Since 1999, we have been welcoming patients seeking dental care in Lyon 3. Whatever the problem, our approach remains the same: a complete oral health check-up;
medical and general questionnaire (lifestyle habits, pathologies, possible treatments…);
complementary examinations if necessary;
treatment recommendation and establishment of a timetable for its implementation;
follow-up consultations. Your dentist can offer you a range of solutions to the problem of tooth wear. Dental veneers are an effective, non-invasive way of camouflaging minor defects. For more severe erosion, other dental inlays may be recommended, such as inlays, onlays or overlays.
Want to know how to fight tooth wear? Make an appointment online with Studio Dentaire today!