Studio Dentaire’s support in fitting your bridge
Because taking care of your health is one of our core concerns, we always welcome you for a full oral and dental check-up before considering treatment. The installation of a bridge is usually organized in three sessions, to which a fourth may be added if the adjacent teeth need to be devitalised. At the first appointment, your practitioner prepares the space for the future bridge by lightly trimming the abutment teeth. He or she also takes an impression of the abutment teeth, which the dental technicians will use to fabricate the bridge. The second session is devoted to try-in: your implantologist puts the prosthesis in place and checks its fit. The bridge is then sent back to the dental technicians, who shade it to match the color of your teeth. Finally, at the third appointment, your practitioner installs the final bridge, which is held in place with dental cement. Today’s materials, combined with your specialist’s expertise, mean you can keep your bridge in place for at least 10 years. However, in the absence of any problems, it is possible to keep the same prosthesis for up to 20 years, or even longer.