Studio Dentaire offers tailor-made periodontal treatment and regular follow-up to ensure that the situation is stabilized at the end of the treatment program.
Support is provided in three stages: assessment, care and follow-up.
During the first 2 appointments, we will carry out a complete check-up to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of bone loss in the case of established periodontitis.
To do this, we’ll take an initial panoramic X-ray, and a series of more precise X-rays of the different areas of your mouth in the case of periodontitis. A microscopic analysis of your dental plaque will enable us to identify the bacteria responsible for the disease.
We will then be able to propose a targeted treatment program, which we will present to you, together with the estimate, during the 3rd appointment.
The treatment will then consist of eliminating the bacteria and cleaning the periodontal pockets in which they have lodged. We’ll start by removing the tartar above your gums and between your teeth, before removing the tartar below your gums using a gentle, painless sonic method. This will enable your gums to adhere better to the bone.
Before treatment begins, we’ll explain the treatment in detail and give you tips to ensure success. In a way, you’ll become an integral part of our team, taking charge of your oral health!
We’ll provide you with local treatments to be applied daily before and throughout your treatment. This will gently cleanse the mouth in preparation for the sessions.
Once the treatment is over, we’ll offer you several follow-up sessions every few months to prevent recurrences.