For effective treatment of bruxism, it’s important to determine exactly what’s causing the problem. An alignment problem, for example, may require surgery; a medication problem, an adjustment; and so on. Several solutions can be considered with your dentist at Studio Dentaire: wearing a mouthpiece, applying dental veneers or overlays. Dental aligners, custom-made from impressions of your teeth, can be worn for several hours a day, during the day or at night at bedtime. It relieves tension in your jaws and restores harmonious contact between your teeth. When it comes to aesthetic correction oftooth wear, if it’s superficial (the effect of filed teeth), glass-ceramic veneers can be an advantageous solution. Thin ceramic films are bonded to the visible surface of the natural tooth, correcting shape, size and color while maintaining a natural appearance. Glass-ceramics, which are more resistant than conventional dental ceramics, enable veneers to remain in good condition despite teeth grinding.
On the other hand, if the occlusal surfaces are affected, overlays may be necessary. These fill the missing or worn part of the tooth and restore the original volume. Their advantage is not just aesthetic: they restore the tooth’s full strength and comfort, enabling normal speech and chewing. Of course, these different solutions can be combined to suit your specific situation. That’s why Studio Dentaire offers you a tailor-made treatment program.