How can I stop grinding my teeth at night? Your dentist’s answers

Noisy, disrupting your sleep and that of your significant other, bruxism or teeth grinding is a fairly common nuisance. Studio Dentaire, which sees dozens of patients suffering from this disorder every year, explains how to stop grinding your teeth at night.

Why do I grind my teeth in my sleep?

The causes of teeth grinding are multiple and include in particular:

  • Stress and anxiety;
  • Sleep apnea;
  • Excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol or stimulants;
  • Misalignment of upper and lower jaws;
  • A shock that affected the cervical vertebrae;
  • More rarely, neurological factors.

Some medications also have the side effect of causing the jaw to contract.

Is grinding your teeth at night serious?

In itself, bruxism can be benign when it’s occasional, which is the case for 60-70% of the population. However, grinding your teeth every night has real consequences for your health. The first effect of bruxism is wear on the tooth surface, the location and extent of which varies from person to person. This can range from a slight abrasion of the enamel to the loss of part of the tooth, or even a fracture. This often leads to tooth hypersensitivity, as well as an increased risk of decay. Aesthetics are also a factor. Teeth grinding also has an impact on your general health. Because it disrupts sleep, sufferers are continually tired, even depressed. They may suffer from back pain, neck stiffness, headaches and painful jaw contractures. In the most severe forms, bruxism can lead to altered jaw structure or fractured teeth.

How to stop teeth grinding?

Fortunately, bruxism is far from inevitable! Using proven techniques, your dentist can stop the pain and stop teeth grinding. The most common solution is to wear a special mouthpiece, usually at night. Made to measure, this removable dental prosthesis acts on two levels: it relaxes the jaws and prevents teeth from rubbing together. Once the main symptoms of bruxism have been eliminated, your cosmetic dentist can propose a dental restoration. The treatment consists in hiding damaged or missing parts with veneers or other inlays, while preserving your teeth as much as possible. The result is a brighter, more comfortable smile. Discover all the solutions for treating bruxism and enjoy personalized support at Studio Dentaire in Lyon.